couple love wallpaper
couple love wallpaper
couple love wallpaper
Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened. ~Jennifer Yane
Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened. ~Jennifer Yane
I'm not talking about a "show me other walls of this thing" button, I mean a "stumble" button for wallbase. ~William Wordsworth
One father is more than a hundred Schoolemasters. ~George Herbert, Outlandish Proverbs, 1640
The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age. ~Lucille Ball
want to ride mcbain to clinton for 1st try is west to east the way to go and how long should that take ~Author Unknown
it's the worst site ever... and it loads very very very damm slow Yotoon don't take any part of that site. ~Johann Schiller
I'm sixty years of age. That's 16 Celsius. ~George Carlin, Brain Droppings, 1997
Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional. ~Chili Davis
It kills you to see them grow up. But I guess it would kill you quicker if they didn't. ~Barbara Kingsolver, Animal Dreams
meh...too much overhead for too little payoff. There is no guarantee that even after implementing this feature, people would actually like what they see suggested to them. IMO, if you like to have more of certain kind of all wall, search for it...that's what its there for! ~Enid Bagnold
I'm sixty years of age. That's 16 Celsius. ~George Carlin, Brain Droppings, 1997
To have the link in the navigation "light" up like the comments and forum buttons every time something is added or edited. ~Author Unknown

Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away. ~Dinah Craik
Youth is a wonderful thing. What a crime to waste it on children. ~George Bernard Shaw
Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father! ~Lydia M. Child, Philothea: A Romance, 1836
want to ride mcbain to clinton for 1st try is west to east the way to go and how long should that take ~Author Unknown
I called and spoke to the AMTRAK reservation/information line and when I asked about traveling with a toddler trailer, they had never been asked such a question. They said I could take the item boxed as long as the dimensions of the box did not exceed 22"x28"x14" and did not weigh more than 50 lbs. ~Don Marquis
Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ~Elizabeth Stone
Never raise your hand to your kids. It leaves your groin unprotected. ~Red Buttons

On the other hand, I'd also vote for what korokun sugested (on the comments and posts, not Miku and ponys XD). ~Mark Twain
I would like to take the same trip in early October,alone. If you have any info or suggestions I would appreciate them ~Author Unknown
I disagree. The three limit per hour cap is simply too few. Yes we could continue upon the forum, but I would hardly call that as relevant a connection with the image. ~Dave Barry, "Your Disintegrating Body," Dave Barry Turns 40, 1990
I'm sixty years of age. That's 16 Celsius. ~George Carlin, Brain Droppings, 1997
I used google translator, but i dont understand meaning of "stumble" button, maybe u ment "Related" feature? ~Clarence Budington Kelland
Middle age is when your age starts to show around your middle. ~Bob Hope
Thank you Shuugo for your consideration, if it came across as such then I apologize, but I was not meaning that the site is being run wrong, far from it. And at the very least, it's not my site to begin with. ~Ogden Nash
Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time. ~Jean Paul Richter
I will come back to your site to see your poetry, I would love to read it. Thank you so much. Love Lauren ~Harmon Killebrew
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